Frequently Asked Questions

According to the QCVN 6-1: 2010/BYT standard, nitrate in water has to be under 50mg per liter (There is a low level of nitrate in groundwater, that is created by nitrogen in the ground and it is not harmful). For the groundwater at SAPUWA, the nitrate level always meets the requirement, not only by Vietnamese standard, but also by FDA and WHO standard.

Although SAPUWA’s factory is not near to any source of water pollution, SAPUWA has invested in nitrate treatment system to prevent any possible environtmental problems. We have attached the Periodic testing results (at least every 6 months at qualified testing facilities) about the overall quality including nitrate:

  • SAPUWA’s groundwater: STT: 15, nitrate = 4,73mg/l
  • SAPUWA’s finished water: STT: 17, nitrate = 1,06md/l

From the establishment, SAPUWA has applied the international standard - GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) by the WHO. This standard requires bottled drinking water factory has to be far away from pollution sources such as cemetery, slaughterhouse, landfill, …etc from 500 to 1,000 meters. For groundwater, if drilling 100 meters, requires to far from pollution source at least 500 meters. If drilling 35 meter and above, requires to far from pollution 1,000 meters. These requiremnets are suitable with the Ministry of health’s requirements for location for bottled drinking water factory.

Hence, it took us very long time to search for suitable location, that had qualified groundwater source and qualified for building factory. After hard and long journey, we found a place that had been taken care in protection belt of Tan Son Nhat airport in Go Vap District. To be more carefully, we had collected information from the local gornvement and residents. When making sure that there had not been cemetary in this area from the past, we had made test drilling at 106 meters, and sent water to foreign testing facilities to check quality.

After inspection about the land and water source, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has granted groundwater exploitation permits to SAPUWA. Furthermore, the Department of Health has issued the certificate of eligibility for food hygiene and safety in accordance with the law. Base on these, we decided to build factory at our current location – 683 Quang Trung St., Ward 11, Go Vap District.

Hence, the rumor that SAPUWA is located in cementary area is not true.

Recently, newspapers have reported that many drinking water factories have been closed due to their products are contaminated.  In principle, bottled pure or mineral water produced in a strict process does not allow any type of bacteria existed, especially the infectious bacteria.

A product produced in a process that is not strictly managed and does not guarantee food hygiene and safety, makes strange bacteria easily go to our bodies; make us easily get sick, especially when the body is weak. Unfortunately, we do not care much about drinking water, while diseases caused by contaminated drinking water are very common.

About SAPUWA’s food hygiene and safety, we are the only drinking water producer in Vietnam that gains the international certificate about food safety– SQF 2000 by Switzerland. SAPUWA’s allowed to print that logo into our product label, that clearly demonstrates that the production processes for SAPUWA drinking water products are strictly controlled, in accordance with international standards. Consumption of SAPUWA water is completely safe.


In bottled drinking water industry, we don’t use additives or toxic chemicals through the production, hence waster water is normal water and don’t need any waste water treatment process.

According to the Ministry of Health’s regulations, it’s not necessary to show all quality elements on label, hence SAPUWA only shows some important elements. NH4+ is not identified in both our ground water and finised water.

From the establishment, following Vietnamese and FDA requirement, SAPUWA has tested the water quality every March and September about all required quality catergories. We will send testing results to customers upon request.

SAPUWA water is produced from a closedly automatic system from exploiting to filtering, followed the international certificate GMP/SSOP/HACCP/ISO 9001 and SQF 2000/HACCP/ISO 9001 by SGS – Switzerland.

During filtering, ions that harm to human health, are removed and beneficial substances are kept. When using SAPUWA water for tea, tanin in tea is completely dissolved into the water causing dark red. When using ground water, there are still substances that prevent tanin in tea completely dissolved, making lighter color. Most of SAPUWA’s customers prefer the natural sweet of SAPUWA water and use for tea to make nice color and increase aroma.

According to the Clause 8 Article 12 Decree No. 67/2016 / ND-CP of the Government about production conditions, bottle under 10 liters are not allow to reuse, bottles more than 10 liters can be reused. Hence, except SAPUWA’s 5-Gallon bottle, other SAPUWA’s bottles (330ml, 500ml, 1l, and 5l) should not be reused.

According to SAPUWA’s regulations, reusing 5gallon bottle bases on the bottle’s conditions, but no more than 5 times, and stop resusing immediately once it is dirty, scratches, distorted…etc.

After 5 times, bottles are collected and sent to recycling facilities.

According to the Clause 8 Article 12 Decree No. 67/2016 / ND-CP issued by the Government about production conditions, bottles under 10 liters are not allow to reuse, bottles more than 10 liters are allowed to reuse.

SAPUWA’s 5gallon (18,9l) bottle first use or resused are all cleaned at preliminary processing room, then move to washing machine 6 times with chemical detergent, which is specialized in food processing and imported from Europe. Cleaning process is closed, automatic, fully controlled, and regulary inspected by domestic and international experts.

SAPUWA’s bottle and cap materials always meet the requirements about food safety to protect consumers health as committed. They do not affect on pure water quality since we use Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) for bottles and LDPE for caps, that are allowed in food packaging according to the QCVN 12-1: 2011/ BYT (plastic packaging for bottled drinking water standards) issued and managed by the Ministry of Health.

In general, plastic packaging for food is not recycled, since it may be dangerous when using additives to increase flexibility and convinience for shaping.

According to the international regulation in plastic industry, packaging from pure plastic is marked at bottom as below:

  • Number 1is abbreviation of PET or PETE (Polyethylene terephthalate)
  • Number 2 is HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)
  • Number 3 is PVC or V (Polyvinyl chloride)
  • Number 4 is LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) 
  • Number 5 is PP (Polypropylene)
  • Number 6 is PS (Polystyrene)
  • Number 7 is others       

Currently, popular plastics are used as mentioned above. Each plastic has different effect on human health. Recycled packaging is not marked to distinguish between pure plastic and recycled one.

SAPUWA requires all cap and bottle suppliers to have certificate on plastic source, standardization and conformity announcement documents followed the 24/2007/QĐ Decision by Ministry of Sience and Technology. SAPUWA uses PET plastic (bottle) and LDPE (cap) that are safe and meet both the Vietnamese and International requirements for plastic packaging quality.

SAPUWA’s certified for ISO 22000:2005/ HACCP, which is higher legality than the “food safety chain”.

According to the Food Safety Chain’s broad of management:

  • The Food Safety Chain means food Traceability;
  • The certificate to join in this program is not required. Hence, we only need to present certificate on food safety and ISO 22000:2005/ HACCP (higher legality than the food safety chain);
  • Currently, the broad of management has not issued certificate for bottled drinking water company since it relates to water resources, and has only issued for meat and vegetable suppliers. (SAPUWA uses groundwater.)

In bottled drinking water and food processing industry, goods qualified for export need to meet the requirements of the international SQF 2000/HACCP. Until now, SAPUWA is the first and only bottled drinking water in Vietnam that gained the international food safety - SQF 2000/HACCP/ISO 9001:2008. Hence, SAPUWA’s products are absolutely qualified for export. In fact, SAPUWA has export products to Thailand.

For further information about product quality required for export and related procedures, please contact Customer Service Department via phone number 028 2216 7777. 

SAPUWA has followed the international production process, that is strictly adhered to the SQF 2000. Starting from a very deep groundwater; through ion exchange system; through many automatic filtering layers (raw filter); through ultraviolet sterilization; continued with crystal filtering; Ozone sterilization; followed by closed and automatic filling; and finalized by packaging.

Ozone sterilization, is a modern filtering method, is advertised to apply in many drinking water products. However, not all companies really apply it as advertised, that is reason why their products are contaminated.

Beside the SQF 2000, SAPUWA has also applied many other standards such as SMP, SSOP…etc. For furher information about production process, kindly please visit our website: www.sapuwa.vn.

In fact, there are many bottled drinking water producers that do not meet the quality and food safety requirements.  Hence, when choosing drinking water for your daily use at home and at work, you should find out the information about product’s origin. You should choose prestigious brands, that have proper investment in water source and bottling process, and their products are certified as safe products by authorities. You can check out their websites and get advice from the food safety agents such as the Ministry of Health; and state or local preventive health centers. Prior choosing any product, you should request several necessary certificates such as:

  • Food hygiene and Safety certificates issued by authorities;
  • Certificate of trademark registration;
  • Chemical and physical testing results (at least every 6 month) from authorities such as Ho Chi Minh City Public Health Hygiene Institute…etc. If they have the International certificates such as ISO and SQF is better.

If your demand is large, more precisely, you should visit factories to actual assess the facilities, water source, and bottling process to see wether your chosen products are truly safe.

1/ Clean water is described by Binh Thuan Clean water and environmental sanitation Center on thier website: http://nuocnongthonbinhthuan.vn/nuocsach.aspx:


  • Clean water is water used for personal and household daily lives, but not for directly drinking
  • According to the Decision number 09/2005/ QĐ-BYT issued by the Ministry of Health in March 11th 2005, clean water is water that satisfies 22 standards as following:



    Max. Limit








     No strange smell



      opaque level








































      Total Dissolved Solids
































      Total Coliform




      Ecoli or Heat-resistant coliform




2/ Hygienic water is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It contains no ingredients that can affect human health, and can be consumed after boiling.

Note: Clean water is higher quality than hygienic water. Clean water is a human basic need.


3/ What kind of water that can drink directly without any harm?

Drinking water goes directly to the body, so it needs to be not only clean, but also safe.

The production of safe water for human health needs to be fully controlled form water source researching, filtering, bottling, packaging, and distributing to end customers. According to the Ministry of Health’s regulations, bottled drinking water production has to follow these steps: first is filtering to eliminate heavy metals and ions; next is ultraviolet sterilization (eliminate some bacteria); and next is ozon sterilization (eliminate all harmfull bactertia that UV cannot).

Besides, bottles have to be made from P.E.T or PC plastic, which are safe and allowed in food processing. Bottles need to be pasteurized before putting to automatic filling process.

If choosing a harmful water, it not only cannot satisfy the human needs, but also harm our health such as causing the gastrointestinal diseases for example: diarrhea, typhoid; and hidden diseases like cancer, blood poisoning.

To assure for good health, water need to added daily to replace the excreted water. In the past, drinking water such as fruit juice; carbonated water; and mineral water are dominted. In recent years, according to researches of the American and Isreal Universities, too much carbonated water and fruit juice consumption may cause some seriour diseases including heart; liver; and diabetes.

In principle, mineral water mainly works for people who are lack of minerals. Base on certain disease, type of mineral is advised to add accordingly. Drinking mineral water in long period will affect the operation of kidney. Especially, people with week kidneys should not consume mineral as accumulated mineral will cause hypertension; arrhythmia; and edema. For children, only using pure water for drinking and mixing milk, since the kid’s kidney function is still week.

According to experts, sugar free and chemical free pure water is good for health, and is suitbale for all ages and all purpose such as boiling, cooking...etc. Pure water is advised for daily use, no limit. When mentioning about daily driking water demand, it refers to pure water. 

Current customers of SAPUWA’s distributors can absolutely change to SAPUWA’s direct distribution center.

We have direct distribution centers all over Ho Chi Minh area to directly deliver products to final consumers timely. Kindly please contact the nearby center or our Customer Service Department via hotline (84.28) 2216 7777.



We DO deliver products outside the office hours. For more details please see our delivery hours as followed:                            

  • From 7am to 7pm: Monday to Saturday
  • Off on Sunday and Holidays

All SAPUWA’s dispensers are imported from Korean with nice design, good quality, and reasonable price. We have a timely delivery system and offer the best maintenance and customer service, and responsible after sale service. Our dispenser model is not widely sold at the market. SAPUWA’s dispensers are priority for SAPUWA’s customers with the following benefits:

  • Free dispenser maintenance per 1 or 3 months. Especially, we use SAPUWA finished water to wash machine.
  • Free and timely repair

For more information about product specification and customer service, please contact us via website www.sapuwa.vn or Hot line: (84.28) 2216 7777.


With desire to provide SAPUWA products made in Vietnam at international quality, SAPUWA has early applied a strict controlling system from input material to finished products, until directly delivery to final consumers, following the international standard - ISO22000-2005/ HACCP.

SAPUWA has invested more than 50 trucks and more than 100 delivery staffs that are professionally trained to make sure products are delivered fastest and at best services. Our delivery staffs wear the Company’s uniforms and employee cards.

Hence, we are very careful in choosing our distributors. The criteria for being a SAPUWA’s distributor are as below:

  • Have a legal business license;
  • Have positive financial capacity;
  • Commit to deliver the authentic SAPUWA’s products, not produce or deliver fake ones;
  • Have suitable storage facility: clean, wide, store and arrange goods followed the IS0 2200:2005/HACCP standards;
  • Deliver by truck, and have professional delivery teams (passing SAPUWA’s training courses)
  • Distributors are free to make business with new customers, NOT the SAPUWA’s current customers. SAPUWA has rights to check periodically or accidently the Distributors’ customers lists;
  • SAPUWA coordinates with distributors in solving any problems related to products or services quality to make sure customers be the most satisfied;
  • In 1 geographical area, SAPUWA only chooses 1 distributor to protect for distributor’s benefits;
  • SAPUWA welcomes all distributors and their customers to visit SAPUWA factory to view our actual production process; factory facility and check our product qualities

For more information about distributor, please contact our Customer Service Department.

Categories need to be built:

1. Restructure the system towards compact, clear responsibilities and rights. Complete the goal of preventing incidents.

2. Develop a risk controlling procedure such as: Purchasing procedure, Collection and Payment procedure, Import and Export procedure, Sales procedure, and Contract controlling procedure.


  • Receive and implement fully and timely as customers’ requests;
  • Guarantee to provide right product quantity and quality as customers’ requests;
  • Guarantee safety for products and for employees in delivery;
  • Guarantee time maner as per requested;
  • Guarantee right quality and customer satisfaction;
  • Cost of sales does not exceed the limit.

In general, risk cannot be completedly eliminated in business. The key is how to minimize the risk, achieve the targeted profit, and share with customers’ risks. Furthermore, we need to be good at investigating customers and their debts payment capacity, product property insurance, suitable financial policy, maintain probale provision, good execution of provisioning, and follow the business rule “Do not put all eggs in a basket”.

In order to limit the risk, it is necessary to do well from taking good precautions to solving consequences caused by risks.  In details, precaution is to find out unbeneficial events and circumstances that have been happening and could be expand. Solving consequence is to limit the damage of property and products. This is a strict logical process and needs to be unified.

Risk prevention can be carried out by staffs and managers who may have different thoughts and actions. Therefore, management is needed to let people act in a unified way.

Creating corporate culture and fairly competitive working environment for personal development

At SAPUWA, our brand and human resource are the most valuable assets of the Company. Due to the human resource’s appreciation, SAPUWA always focuses on training and developing talents by creating an ideal working environment, that is active, creative, and friendly.

Building corporate culture is one of the Company’s priority to create a working environment in which empolyees feel like their 2nd home and colleagues are like their family members. In order to achieve that, the workplace needs opened communication, cooperation spirit, and a trusting atmosphere. We often communicate with our staffs and let them know the targets that we are heading and the plans to achieve those. Besides, we emphasize the important roles of employees, there is not successful SAPUWA without the efforts of all staffs. Recognizing the positive contribution of all staffs will create an efficient workplace. Giving appropriate rewards for outstanding achievements will promote employees in working.

Training and choosing right person

SAPUWA always tries to put right person in right position based on their abilities, characteristics, and preferences. We also create opportunities for employees to learn and enhance professional level to reach higher position; and sponsor inside and outside training programs for employees. When the employees’s preferences match with the jobs’ descriptions; and when employees’ characteristics match with the working environment; consequently, the employees leaving level will decrease and the productivity’ll increase.


A special thing when working at SAPUWA, you will be trained as in army to practice discipline, team spirit, personal sacrifice for collective spirit, for general benifits, and for overcoming oneself. Working at SAPUWA, you have chance to experience a competitieve and challenging environment. In SAPUWA’s point of view, working experience is needed but not all, we appreciate hard working, studious, enthusiasmtic, and honest persons and we are ready to give them opportunities to join and be trained in order to be fit with our workplace and jobs’ requirements.

Better benefits policy is an element for SAPUWA’s development

Beside creating the best working environment, SAPUWA has offer an attractive salary and benefits, that are clear and fair for employees based on their performance.

Many people do not think that a good benefits system has suppoted for company’s sustainable development. However, in fact when benefits policies are enhanced, company’s revenue and profit will increase and vice versa. Good benefits system plays an important role in enhancing and stabilizing the human resource quality. Furthermore, good benefits make employees stick with the company like their families and put their best efforts to create better products and better working efficiency.

How to enhance the benefits policy?

At SAPUWA, besides salary, the 13th month salary, insurance policy, and retirement…etc you could also have additional insurance such as accident, and other allowance such as cell phone, transportation, pregnancy…etc. Our staffs could enjoy other benefits such as beauty and hair-cut clubs, company trip, outside activities to improve material and spiritual lives. Especially, we offer annual commission based on employees’ performance.

At SAPUWA, we would like to create an exellent working environment to give opportunites for employees to enchance personal and professional knowledge; affirm self-value, and feel secure in working and developing career to raise the quality of life for themselves and their families.

For sustainable development, SAPUWA has always paid attention to enhance the working environment by delivering good policies to keep good personel and to increase the efficiency. Besides the policies as required by the government, SAPUWA has also created many good policies for employees’ benefits. We often adjust to the market to offer a competitive salary. We also offer other attractive policies to help employees to balance between working and daily life such as:

  • The 13th month salary;
  • Annual raise benefits with seniority;
  • Incentives according to business performance and personal performance;
  • Bonus according to personal or team outstanding achievements;
  • Allowance: lunch, cellphone, transportation…etc;
  • Benefits: Social, health, and unemployment insurance;
  • Flexible working hours, annual leave;
  • Professional trainings;
  • Activities: sports, art, culture;
  • Hair cut and beauty club;
  • 24/24 accident insurance;
  • Annual health check-up;
  • Working and protection uniform

Besides the policies for SAPUWA’s employees, we also care about their families such as:

  • Encouragement gifts to good students that are employees’ children;
  • Internattional children day gifts;
  • Pregnancy allowance;
  • Visiting illnesses and marriage for employees and their families; supporting the difficult circumstances .... and many other policies.


1. The SAPUWA’s secret of success:

The SAPUWA’s success as today is based on a featured business model, that directs the whole company as one and united. All staffs join together toward a target and the operation followed the “4 clean” philosophy: Clean human; Clean Workshop; Clean product; and Clean profit. It creates a featured SAPUWA.

“Clean Human” is the 1st SAPUWA’s priority. In SAPUWA’s opinion, it needs to build up the Company’s culture, in which the staffs’s behavior, characteristics, and spirits are always practiced and cultivated by educating each member to live responsible, economical, and protect environment. Besides, SAPUWA also focuses on technical training for each job position, increasing annual incentives, and encouraging each staff to be good person in working and daily life.

Doing good social works internally is one of SAPUWA’s secret of success. We have created a safe and friendly working environment, promoted for personal development, fully practiced the health and social insurance policies, rewards, allowance, company trips…etc. Furthermore, SAPUWA has arranged accommodation for staffs. We have Party Cell, Red Cross, Youth Union, and Labor Union that have promoted much for our business operation.

Parallel to the development of corporate culture, we have developed the “Clean Factory” model. From the establishment, SAPUWA has built the GMP – WHO standardized factory, together with the SQF 2000/HACCP/SSOP/ISO 22000 and Japanese model – 5S. These are premises for Clean Products, that are made from clean environment, clean material, safety, and efficiency.

Based on “Clean human” and “Clean Factory”, SAPUWA has fully controlling system from input materials to finised products, and distribution to meet “Clean Product” requirements. The SAPUWA’s finished products are gradually checked on chemical, physical, microbiological, heavy metals, radioactive substances, plant protection substances at SAPUWA laboratory, domestic and international prestigious functional inspection agencies. All SAPUWA products meet requirements of FDA, WHO, and Vietnamese before distributing to the market.

In SAPUWA’s point of view, producing a quality product is not for human health and Community safety, but also for employees’ benefits. SAPUWA always appreciates the law and regulations compliance such as fully and timely tax payment.

SAPUWA are active in many social non-profits activities such as education, sports, health, culture, and art. This is such a proud corporate culture of SAPUWA, an indicator of “Clean Profit” philosophy.   With practical and meaningful activities, SAPUWA is proud to receive the title the " City Outstanding Company” in many consecutive years, following the glorious tradition of the Company, helping SAPUWA firmly to step forward.

2. Necessary characteristics needed for a leader:

The achievements that SAPUWA has gained, are due to the top leader’s orientation and the staffs’ efforts. The SAPUWA’s top leader has firmly set the corporate culture that is responsible for employees and community. SAPUWA’s staffs have tried best for a common development of SAPUWA brand. The increasing in revenue and profit, business development, and the business philosophy that attaches the Company’s benefits with Consumer’s and soxiety’s benefits, have created the customers’ truth.

SAPUWA is not self-satisfied about what achieved today. It’s motivation for us to keep moving on to conquer bigger goals.



Together with the efforts in busness operation, SAPUWA has shared responsibilities with social, unfortunate circumstances, difficulties, …etc. Among those, SAPUWA has paid most attention on helping unfortunate children, that has become a SAPUWA’s tradition.

Throughout the establishment and development, SAPUWA has gradually spent a certain amount from annual revenue for charitable activities – “For Childern” raised by State and Local government. We have been doing so many activities for children such as: cash, notebooks, and learning techniques sponsor; interntational children day and full moon festival programs; for Agent Orange children; children with tumors, and orphans…etc. We have also sponsored scholarships and vocational classes; and praised for disable children for their efforts to rise up in life and to integrate with the community.

Those chariable activities have been recorgnized by the Merit “Outstanding achievement in many consecutive years for successful tasks completion, positively contributing to the City’s development on the occasion of 15th anniversary of the City Disabled Children Relief Association establishment (1996 - 2010)” issued by Mr. Le Hoang Quan, Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, to Mr. Le Nhu Ai, Chairman of SAPUWA.

The awards of honor, public recorgnization, and achievements are not the goals that SAPUWA aims to. They are simply a gesture and a kindness that focus on the necessity, not the engine.

As a successful Company, SAPUWA would simply like to share with the community and bring better lives to children. In SAPUWA’s viewpoint, “children are future”; future of a nation and a community are closely related to the young generation. Rising the awareness of education and caring for children are the responsibilities of all soxiety, not any single one. Hence, the first SAPUWA’s priority is for children.

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