Payment policies

Please make sure the product: type of goods, quantity, ... was correct before contacting to buy. You can pay by cash directly in 02 forms:

1. Payment at Companies and Distribution centers
Customers make cash payments to the cashier when making a direct purchase at the company and SAPUWA Distribution Centers.

Distribution Centers


Phone number
Quang Trung distribution center

683 Quang Trung, Ward 11, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City

1800 2085 

Lu Gia distribution center


6/15X Street No. 3, Lu Gia Residential Area, Ward 15, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City

1800 2085

Phu My Hung distribution center
76 Ha Huy Tap, Nam Thien Area 1,
Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City

1800 2085

Xo Viet Nghe Tinh distribution center

195/27 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Ward 17, Binh Thanh District , Ho Chi Minh City

1800 2085


2. Payment at home / work / company (applicable when ordering via the website www.sapuwa.com)

After successfully placing an order on the website, SAPUWA staff will contact to deliver and receive cash at the customer's house / work / company.

SAPUWA would like to sincerely thank and hope to serve you!

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