SAPUWA achieved 3-star OCOP product certification in Go Vap district

In the context of an increasingly competitive drinking water market, affirming the quality and reputation of products is a significant challenge for businesses. SAPUWA pure water product has successfully overcome this challenge by becoming the first enterprise in Go Vap district to achieve 3-star OCOP product certification.

OCOP (One Commune One Product) certification is a proposal to recognize the results of product evaluation and classification in Go Vap district to develop unique products, improve value and competitiveness. To achieve certification, a product must undergo a rigorous evaluation process of quality, packaging, labeling, production process and especially consumer satisfaction.

(Certificate and congratulatory flowers were awarded by Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Anh - Vice Chairman of Go Vap District People's Committee)

Product SAPUWA purity's achievement of 3-star certification is the result of continuous investment in product and service quality. From pure water produced through a modern, closed production process, to bottling and distribution, all are strictly controlled to ensure the best quality.

(Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan - Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Anh - Vice Chairman of the District People's Committee and members of the delegation)

Significance of certification for SAPUWA and consumers

  • For SAPUWA: 3-star OCOP certification is an important milestone, affirming SAPUWA's leading position in the local drinking water market. At the same time, this is also the motivation for businesses to continue to innovate and improve product and service quality, aiming to become the leading drinking water brand in the country.

  • For consumers: 3-star OCOP product certification is a commitment to quality, helping consumers feel secure in choosing SAPUWA. The product not only meets the daily drinking water needs but also brings good health values.

The fact that SAPUWA achieved 3-star OCOP product certification is good news for consumers in Go Vap district. This is clear evidence of the business's continuous efforts in bringing high quality products, contributing to improving the quality of life of the community.

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