Concerning about school environment – An unique humanity culture of SAPUWA

Nowadays, there are thousands of beverages suppliers advertised nationwide, however, quality is a most concern and a hot topic. Vietnamese schools are confused in how to choose a good product to protect students’ and faculty staffs’ health, especially for kids at growing age, they are very active and have high demand of drinking water to compensate water lost in studying and playing. Besides, teaching is a job that requires talking a lot, sorethroat is a regular threat, so teachers need to consume lot of water to protect their larynxes.


The market’s demand in drinking water industry has encouraged the born of enterprises to satisfy a necessary needs of human: when thirsty, we need to drink water whatever we are doing and wherever we are. In the last several years, soft drinks, fruit juice, and mineral water expanded rapidly, however, recently, according to a research, sicentist has concluded that if drinking too much soft drink or juice daily may cause heart disease and diabetes. Mineral drink, in concept, mainly applies for those who are lack of mineral, and in this case consumers need certain kind of mineral basing on their diseases. Consuming mineral in a long period will affect on kidney function.


Consequently, consumers turn to pick pure water, no chemical and no sugar, for regular use to protect their health. However, does this safe drinking water fully comply with all procedures and standards? Are consumers taken advantage? Is there anyone of us doubt about what we are drinking and are bottles in hand totally safe for our health?


Through the press and media, in fact there are many types of bottled drinking water on the market are not qualified according to foods safety and hygiene regulations. Therefore, before choosing daily beverages for all school members, the schools’ board management have to search for reliable brands by referring to their websites, getting doctor consultation and advice from local and city department of health…to find most reliable supplier. Moreover, schools also require supplier to submit relevant documents including Certificate of eligible establishments foods safety from Health Department, Certificate of brand registration, Certificate of physical-chemical water testing from reliable agencies such as Center 3 and HCM Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, International certificate of quality such as ISO, SQF…etc. Furthermore, schools get suggestion from parents who are consumers. Finally, many schools choose SAPUWA, a reliable and responsible brand, as bottled drinking water supplier. However, many schools do not afford with their limited financial capacity.


Thanks to the trust from schools, understand the parents’ worries, demand of students and faculty, and appreciate the Vietnamese tradition that respects teachers who provide knowlegle, orient personality, and encourage future talent, Sapuwa has built a new business strategy: SUPPLYING DRINKING WATER TO SCHOOLS AT NO PROFIT THROUGH SPECIAL PROMOTION. This is a positive action from us to share difficulties with schools at present time when product and service prices are increasing. This indicates an identified cooprate culture of Sapuwa. With large number of shools including primary, secondary and high school, this is considered as an extremely significant strategy.


Being chosen as drinking water supplier for schools affirms the Sapuwa’s reputation in the market. In the beginning, the policy of pricing without profit will be applied in schools over the Go Vap’s  district, later on Sapuwa will expand the program to other schools all over the city.

Xuân Lan – General Director’s Assistant


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