Employee Conference - Employee Dialogue 2024

On June 30, 2024, at the Company Club, SAPUWA successfully organized the Labor Conference and summarized production and business activities in 2023, implementing the plan for 2024.

Pursuant to the Labor Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam issued in 2019, approved by the 14th National Assembly, 8th session on November 20, 2019 and effective from January 1, 2021 , according to the announcement and instructions of Go Vap District Labor Federation, Go Vap Labor Department, on June 30, 2024, SAPUWA successfully organized a Labor Conference and Dialogue with Workers at the Club. company ministry, with the participation of the Board of Directors, Secretariat and more than 100 employees working at SAPUWA.

The conference approved the following reports: Summary report on production and business activities in 2023 and plan directions for 2024; Summary report on Trade Union work in 2023 and mission directions for 2024; Report on the results of emulation and rewards for collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in 2023, launch the emulation movement in 2024.

At the Conference, Deputy Director of Customer Service - Phan Thi Bich Hao presented a summary report on production and business activities in 2023 and the Company's planned directions and tasks for 2024. The report shows that despite just going through the challenging Covid-19 pandemic, SAPUWA still achieved positive business results in 2023, affirming its brand position in the market. Thanks to that, the Board of Directors and all SAPUWA employees are full of confidence in their ability to successfully complete the business goals set for 2024.

The most exciting and anticipated highlight of the Conference was the Dialogue between the Board of Directors and SAPUWA staff. Here, the employees discussed frankly and asked questions surrounding important issues such as: Solutions to complete and exceed production and business plans, measures to improve life, difficulties and problems in the working process, travel plans for the year as well as the regimes and rights of employees... The Company's Board of Directors took the time to listen carefully and explain wholeheartedly, and at the same time. promptly provide appropriate solutions for each problem, showing deep concern for the spiritual and material lives of workers.

The Dialogue Conference between the Board of Directors and SAPUWA staff opened a direct communication channel, creating a bridge and increasing understanding between the two sides. Thanks to that, the voices and wishes of the employees are carefully listened to, helping the Board of Directors better understand the difficulties and problems they encounter in work and life. From there, the Board of Directors can provide appropriate directions and solutions to support and create conditions for employees to feel secure in their work, develop their abilities and devote themselves to the overall development of the Company. .

SAPUWA Labor Conference is an important annual event, attracting the attention of all officers and employees of the Company. This is considered a direct democratic forum, where workers have the opportunity to exchange and share their thoughts and aspirations, contributing to building a spirit of solidarity, arousing enthusiasm and the will to strive for goals. Safe, effective and sustainable development of SAPUWA. At the same time, the Conference also creates conditions for workers to obtain information, contribute opinions, decide and monitor issues related to their rights, obligations and responsibilities.

After more than 31 years of establishment and development, SAPUWA has continuously achieved success and affirmed its position in the market. Thanks to the spirit of enthusiasm, high sense of responsibility in work and the spirit of solidarity and attachment of all employees and the Board of Directors, SAPUWA is committed to continuing to promote good traditions and strive to successfully complete tasks. crop year 2024 and the following years, contributing to making the Company increasingly strong and prosperous.


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