Another year was gone, the moment of transferring to new year always brings us so much thoughts, thinking about last year, what have been done and what are still going on. Leaving all bad things behind, let’s welcome a new year with many new plans and determination. In the new year spirit, Sapuwa’s labor union has held a party for all staffs who have birthday in Dec 2017 and Jan 2018.


In the joyful atmosphere of the party, Mr. Vu Nam – Chairman of Labor Union, on behalf of the broad of directors, shared his feeling and sent best wishes to the staffs with birthday in Dec and Jan. Wishing them health and success in their new ages, to have more significant contribution to the Sapuwa’s growth.   


Chairman of Labor Union – Mr. Vu Nam sends best wishes to the staffs, who have birthdays in Dec 17 and Jan 18


Blowing candles together – wishing success and health to our new age


Beside best wishes, birthday staffs also received gifts from Sapuwa’s Labor Union. Hopefully, these gifts will bring luck and happy to their new ages.


Director of Customer Service Department – Ms. Thu gives gifts to staffs


Director of Factory – Ms. Tuyet Lang gives gifts to staffs


Singing together to cheer up!


Fatigue or work pressure is gone away when we have meaningful moment together  


Hopefully, all best wishes and meaningful songs in the first birthday party in 2018 will be a nice premise and have good effect on coming birthday parties, which has become a featured culture of SAPUWA. Also, it’s a chance for all SAPUWA’s staffs be closer together and more sharing to start a new 2018 with not only achieving high working effectiveness but also building warm colleague relationships in SAPUWA family.    


Translate by Nhu Vu SAPUWA


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