SAPUWA’s General Director proudly received Ho Chi Minh city’s badge and certificate

In April 20th, 2011, at City’s Theater, last meeting’s day of the People’s Council 7th term of HochiMinh City (2004-2011), in which celebrated a closing ceremony. This term prolonged for 7 years with enormous success, followed up the government’s directions, regulations… It also left numbers of honorable memorial achievements to citizens. Most importantly, council members supervised targets, accomplished its missions in developing business – society, dealt with issues regarding to development and management of the city. In this term, they had issued land’s titles, reduced the numbers of poverty people, improved educational levels, cemented traffic grounds in living areas, reformed administrative procedure, and other policies passed by People’s Councils.


This term witnessed delegates with truly heart, sight, social and governmental responsibilities. Skills, responsibilities, close-up with citizens… set off such a successful term. This group of councils had put a tremendous effort to accomplish their mission, power, reform and improve a better, successful activities. Along with these activities, citizens come together with the council’s members to accomplish significant successes in term of building and protecting Ho Chi Minh City in industrialization, modernization of the nation.


Additionally, in order to acknowledge the contributions from individual council’s member in this term, at the ending ceremony, Chairman of the City’s People’s Council Le Hoang Quan signed a determination to honor and certificate Mr. Le Nhu Ai who is a delegate of the City’s People’s Council, also known as General Director of Saigon Pure Water Private Factory (SAPUWA):

A badge of “Honor Citizen in Ho Chi Minh city” because of “An excellent success in developing and protecting the city”. (This is an honorable name, which is granted only ONE in a lifetime achievement).
A certificate of “An excellent success in responsibility, mission accomplishment as a Delegate during his term of Ho Chi Minh City’s People’s Council VII (Term of 2004-2011)”.


Xuân Lan – P. HC-TC


Translated by Vu Le SAPUWA HCMc


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