SAPUWA obtains the title of Golden & Topten Safe-Quality Food 2009

The result in inspecting bottled-water, ice production in HCMc of Health Service from the beginning of year to now shows that among 610 inspected producers, there has 360 cases breaking the food safety-hygiene rules.
They found over 40% of samples with bacteria: 88 ones with Pseudomonas bacteria, 43 ones with Coliforms bacteria and 2 ones with E.Coli bacteria (this cause digestive problem) in 244 water test samples. Most of producers are unstable, unhygienic and the equipments are downgraded, the preservation and transport are dirty. The more terrible thing is that these products are provided for some hospitals and health centers…


One inspector in HCMc Health Service said “The test result has not ever been surprised as this year” about the result of bottled water, ice production in HCMc this year.


According to him, due to bad management in licensed process, many people want to open the business. In accordance with regulations, besides legal procedure, business must send the registered sample to test the quality for license that products meet the standard. However, they cope with the authorities by sending the samples of prestigious trademark to test; by this way, they have certainly been recognized and licnesed. The lax and incomprehensive supervision, test are conditions for the establishment of many unqualified bottled water brands.

According to Professor-Dr Phan Thi Kim, the Chairman of VN Science Technology Association, the bottled-water production must be processed by 3 steps: through filter system to eliminate hard metals and ions, sterilization with UV ultraviolet rays (destroy some bacteria) and treatment with ozone (eliminate colour, taste, smell and destroy completely bacteria that UV can’t do).
Besides, according to Health Service, the bottle must be sterilized by high technology before using to pour automatically in aseptic environment. But as we know, the investment for automatic and closed assembly line from the raw material to finished product takes many billions. Hence, due to the limited investment, small producers use coal or gravel to sterilize and give products to the market after treating with ultraviolet rays.

The small number of prestigious bottled water enterprises having been recognized as safety and controlled shows that many unqualified bottled water products are presenting in the market now. In the side of customer, facing with the information of poisonous food, they are worrying about the quality of food with the frequent questions “which water should drink” so that their health are not affected and they can find a product with hygiene-safe quality tested and confirmed by authorities.

To satisfy the special care of social in food safety of bottled water, the State should announce the full information in order that consumers can choose the prestigious trademarks with high quality…


Based on the list recommended by Vietnamese trademark magazine, in July 21st 2009, the Board for considering the title “SAFE QUALITY FOOD 2009” including the representatives of Food Science and Technology Centre, the electric communication network VIETNAMESE FOOD SAFETY-QUALITY, the central emulation and reward section, news agencies have examined and certified:


Saigon Pure Water Company achieves the title






The criterions of prize are good achievements in producing-trading process of Sapuwa Company to customer ad social through inspection courses of the State. The high appreciation of the prestigious Voting board with professional knowledge and experiences is the proof and the important rule for Sapuwa Company in the market.


Nguyen Thi Xuan Lan – SAPUWA Administration and Organisation Dept.

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