SAPUWA will deliver to gathering points or the designated positions at the Companys, Buildings and Private houses of Customers/ Parners.

Dear our Loyalty Customers and Partners, 

In order to seriously implement urgent measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic issued by the State agencies; to ensure your health, limit direct contact between customers and delivery staffs as much as possible, during this social distancing period meaning SAPUWA will ensure not delivery goods inside, but we only serve delivery of water to gathering points / designated position, specifically as follows: 

* For Enterprises/Organizations: SAPUWA delivers water to gathering points of Enterprises/Facilities such as: cellars, warehouses, lobby, doors, etc. 

* For Customers in private households: SAPUWA delivers water at the gate/frontdoor. 

* For Customers in Apartments/Buildings: SAPUWA delivers water to the elevator lobby/main gate/entrance, etc. (Depending on the actual situation at the Apartment/Building).

The temporary suspension of door-to-door delivery may create some inconvenience for customers during this time. However, for the health of our customers and loved ones, SAPUWA believes that this decision will contribute to the efforts preventing the COVID-19 pandemic spreads. We strongly believe all our customers cooperations will prevent the threat to ensure better safer future (according to 5K rules) that the State has been set out. 

Thank you very much for your kindly cooperation! 

For more information, please contact us at: 

 Address: 683 Quang Trung, Ward 11, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City. 
Hotline: 1800 2085 (24/7) 
Website: http://sapuwa.com/ 
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/sapuwa1992/ (24/7)
Emai: info@sapuwa.com 

Best wishes to Customers, Partners and loved ones have a lot of health, safe and overcome the pandemic together. 

Best regards, 


       LE NHU VU


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