The bottled drinking-water test result of SAPUWA in food safety-hygiene inspection of Health Service on March 2009

In March 21st 2009, HCMc Health Service inspectors combined with Go Vap Dist Health Service carry out to inspect food safety-hygiene of Sapuwa according to plan (without prior notice of time for producers) about operation of bottled drinking-water, ice and tap-water production in Ho Chi Minh City.

Step 1 (monitoring on the premises): Sapuwa Company obtained the food safety-hygiene standard according to regulations of Health Service including considering document of good’s quality in accordance with law, examining material, finished-products in Sapuwa lab, proofs of periodically product test and standards of VN and authorities… And having good conditions of food hygiene-safety such as workshop, equipments, human…
Step 2: The inspectors took any samples in finished-products warehouse and in production assembly line for test in Public Hygiene Health Institute to analyze and have the feedback after test. If products are suitable, that producer can continue operating and be announced throughout the country.

In April 03rd 2009, inspectors of Health Service have invited the representatives of Sapuwa to Health Service to inform the test result of bottled drinking-water samples they took in March 21st 2009.


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