Revealing alkaline ionized drinking water as a safe and effective solution

Alcohol is a popular drink in fun and social gatherings, but its abuse can lead to many serious health effects. Understanding this, this article will introduce to you the "savior" for drunken fun - alkaline ionized drinking water - and explain why alkaline ionized drinking water can cure hangovers quickly, effectively and safely for your health. Strong.

1. Harmful effects of alcohol on health

Harmful effects of alcohol on health

Alcohol has long become an indispensable part of culture in meetings and exchanges. However, hidden behind those exciting moments are countless potential risks that seriously affect your health.

Alcohol is rapidly absorbed through the digestive tract and reaches maximum concentration in the blood after about 30 minutes. It will then move to the liver and be converted into acetaldehyde - a toxic substance. The ALDH enzyme will continue to convert acetaldehyde into acetic acid for elimination. Below are the harmful effects of alcohol that affect your health after fun if not paid attention:

  • Causes nervous system disorders: Alcohol is like a "poison" that directly hits the brain, leading to a series of symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of behavioral control, and even death. comatose. Long-term consequences are cognitive dysfunction, memory loss, and brain degeneration.
  • Causes liver dysfunction: The liver is the main organ responsible for metabolizing and eliminating alcohol from the body. Regular use of alcohol causes the liver to overload, leading to fatty liver, cirrhosis, and liver cancer - a dangerous cancer with a high mortality rate.
  • Harmful to the cardiovascular system: Alcohol increases blood pressure and heart rate, leading to a high risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, and stroke.
  • Weakened immune system: Alcohol weakens the immune system. When the immune system is weakened, the body becomes susceptible to attacks by pathogens, leading to a higher risk of infectious diseases.

Using alcohol in moderation and responsibly is the key to protecting your health. Cherish the health of yourself and your loved ones by minimizing the harmful effects of alcohol.

2. Why is alkaline ionized drinking water effective in detoxifying alcohol?

Why is alkaline ionized drinking water effective in detoxifying alcohol?

Alkaline ionized water is known for its many health benefits, including its ability to effectively detoxify alcohol. These benefits come from the unique properties of alkaline ionized water:

Microscopic water molecules help dilute alcohol in beer and wine

With a microscopic water molecular structure of only 0.5 nanometers, up to 5 times smaller than regular water. Thanks to this size, alkaline ionized water easily penetrates into body cells, helping to reduce the amount of alcohol in the blood in a short time.

Helps balance pH in the body

Alcohol is highly acidic. When it enters the body, it will cause an imbalance in the pH level, causing excess acidity. With a pH of 8.5-9.5, medium support draw amount of acid, transfer neutralize alcohol and increase strength Strong after drinking alcohol.

With modern treatment processes and dual filtration technology combined with an advanced alkaline ion electrolysis machine, SAPUWA+ electrolyzed water with pH 9.0 meets the "gold" standard for health.

Supplement minerals and eliminate toxins

Natural micro-minerals that are beneficial to health such as calcium, magnesium, potassium,... support the rapid rehydration process, supplement minerals lost due to drinking alcohol, and promote metabolism. and strengthen the immune system, quickly detoxify. Thanks to that, the body reduces fatigue and pain head or have a stomach ache the next morning.

Prevent dangerous diseases caused by alcohol

The Hydrogen-rich properties in electrolyzed water will help eliminate free radicals in alcohol, thus preventing dangerous diseases such as cancer, gout, fatty blood, cirrhosis,...

3. How to drink alkaline ionized water to relieve hangovers quickly and safely

How to drink alkaline ionized water to relieve hangovers quickly and safely

Understanding the harmful effects of alcohol and knowing how to cure alcohol scientifically is extremely important. Alkaline ionized water with its superior properties is a powerful "weapon" to help you get rid of alcohol quickly and safely.

Drink while drinking alcohol

Every 15-20 minutes after drinking alcohol, you should add 150-200ml of alkaline ionized water so that the body can absorb it easily and help dilute the amount of alcohol in the stomach, minimizing the harmful effects of alcohol.

Drink after drinking alcohol

Right after the party ends or you no longer have to drink alcohol, you should immediately drink 1-2 glasses of electrolyte water (about 200-300ml) to help your body rehydrate, balance electrolytes, and support the alcohol detoxification process. effectively, minimizing dehydration, headaches, nausea and other hangover symptoms the next morning.

Drink the next morning

The next morning when you wake up, you should drink 1-2 glasses of electrolyte water (about 200-300ml). This will enhance the purification and elimination of alcohol toxins, while providing essential minerals to help the body quickly recover.

NI wish drinking alkaline ions to detoxify alcohol effectively Through unique properties such as microscopic water molecules, ideal pH and rich in essential minerals, it has become an effective "weapon". Drinking alkaline ionized water properly will help you minimize the harmful effects of alcohol, protect your health and enjoy fun to the fullest.

Choose Sapuwa alkaline ionized water - a reputable brand with modern production processes and strict quality control to ensure pure and safe alkaline ionized water for your health. Sapuwa - enjoy a vibrant life with you while still maintaining good health.

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