5 signs of excess acid in the body and effective ways to balance it

Feeling tired, body aches and digestive problems worry you? You may be experiencing excess acidity. Let's find out the causes and signs of excess acid in the body and how to overcome this condition to have a healthy body.

1. Causes of excess acid in the body

Our bodies have a natural buffer system that helps maintain a stable pH level. However, many factors in modern life can disturb this balance, leading to excess acidity. Some main causes include:

Unbalanced diet

Diet is one of the main causes of excess acid in the body. Consuming too much animal protein, sugar, and processed foods can increase the amount of acid in the body. Foods such as red meat, dairy products, sweets, and carbonated drinks are all common causes.

Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle also contributes to overacidity. When the body does not exercise regularly, metabolism is affected, reducing the ability to eliminate excess acid through sweat and urine. This leads to acid buildup in the body, causing health problems.

Long-term stress and anxiety

Stress and prolonged stress can also increase acid levels in the body. When the body is stressed, it produces more of the hormone cortisol, reducing pH and increasing acidity. This is why many people feel tired and lethargic after prolonged periods of stress.

Use of stimulants

The use of stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco and caffeine also increases the amount of acid in the body. These substances not only reduce pH but also affect liver and kidney function, reducing the ability to eliminate excess acid.

2. Signs of excess acid in the body 

When your body is too acidic, you may experience some of the following signs:

Bones become weaker

One of the most obvious signs of overacidity is that bones become weaker. Excess acid can reduce the amount of calcium in bones, leading to osteoporosis and brittle bones. If you often feel joint pain, it could be a sign that your body is too acidic.

The body is tired and sluggish

Fatigue and lethargy are common symptoms when the body is too acidic. Excess acid reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen, leading to a lack of energy. If you feel tired despite getting enough rest, reconsider your diet and lifestyle.

Easy to gain weight

Uncontrolled weight gain can also be a sign of excess acidity. When the body is too acidic, it will create more fat to protect internal organs from acid. This leads to excess fat accumulation, especially in the abdominal area.

Teeth become more sensitive

Excess acid in the body can erode tooth enamel, leading to more sensitive teeth. If you feel pain or throbbing when eating or drinking hot, cold or sweet foods, it could be a sign of this condition.

Sleep problems

Difficulty sleeping or insomnia is also a sign of overacidity. Excess acid can affect the nervous system, reducing sleep quality. If you regularly have trouble falling asleep or wake up multiple times during the night, review your diet and stress levels.

3. Effective measures to reduce acidity

To reduce the amount of acid in the body and improve your health, you can apply the following measures:

Adjust your diet

One of the most effective measures to reduce the amount of acid in the body is to adjust your diet. Increase your consumption of alkaline foods such as green vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Minimize consumption of red meat, dairy products, sugar, and processed foods. Drinking enough water every day also helps the body eliminate excess acid through urine.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise improves metabolism and enhances the ability to remove acids through sweat. Choose exercises that suit your health and preferences such as walking, jogging, yoga or swimming. Regular exercise not only helps reduce acidity but also improves overall health.

Manage stress and pressure 

Learning to manage stress is also important for reducing the amount of acid in the body. You can try methods like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to reduce stress. Participating in recreational activities, meeting friends and spending time on personal interests also helps improve mood and reduce stress.

Use SAPUWA alkaline ionized water

Reducing or eliminating the use of stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco and caffeine also helps reduce the amount of acid in the body. SAPUWA's alkaline ionized water is an effective solution in reducing the amount of acid in the body. Alkaline ionized water is naturally alkaline, helping to balance pH and minimize the effects of excess acid. By drinking alkaline ionized water every day, you not only help your body effectively eliminate excess acid but also improve your overall health. SAPUWA's alkaline ionized water has been tested for quality and safety, ensuring the best benefits for users.

Too much acid in the body can cause many serious health problems, from weak bones, fatigue, weight gain, to teeth and sleep problems. Understanding the causes, recognizing the signs and applying effective measures to reduce acidity will help you maintain your health and improve your quality of life. Always listen to your body and consult a professional when necessary to ensure you are maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

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