While IBWA represents companies of all sizes, the vast majority of members are small, locally-owned companies, with 60% reporting less than $2 million in annual gross sales and 90% reporting less than $10 million in annual gross sales.  These are local family entrepreneurs with deep roots and strong ties within their communities. Generally speaking, the bottled water industry can be divided into two primary business models.


Home & Office Delivery


The home and office delivery (HOD) portion of the bottled water industry accounts for about 12% of the bottled water market.  These services involve delivery of three, four and five gallon bottles used with water coolers. This segment of the bottled water market has been providing consumers with safe, quality products for over one hundred years in the United States.


Retail Bottled Water


The retail sale of bottled water to consumers accounts for about 88% of the bottled water market, and is the largest and fastest growing segment of the United States bottled water industry.  Consumers generally purchase bottled water in convenient 2 ½ gallon, 1 gallon, and smaller sizes - including the familiar 16.9 ounce (half-liter) bottles - through grocery, club, and convenience stores; supermarkets; and vending machines.


Source: bottledwater.org

Collected by Nhu-Vu SAPUWA

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