It is better to drink bottled water or cooled boiled water

Water is an essential source of life for all living organisms, playing an important role in maintaining physiological functions and ensuring overall health. However, with the diversity of drinking water sources today, choosing the most suitable type of water for yourself is always a problem that makes many people wonder. The two most popular and often compared options are to drink bottled water and cool boiled water. So, which type of water is better for health? This article will provide you with detailed information about the pros and cons of each type of water, thereby helping you make the wisest decision for yourself.

1. A few words about bottled purified water

A few words about bottled purified water

Bottled pure water is water that has been processed through many stages such as filtering, sterilizing, sterilizing and bottling according to strict production processes, eliminating almost 99% of impurities and harmful bacteria. , there are only two main components left: Oxygen and Hydrogen. With basic characteristics such as odorless, colorless, freezing at 0 degrees C and boiling at 100 degrees C. Consumers will use it directly and do not need to go through any further processing steps, completely suitable. for everyone from babies to the elderly to supplement water and ensure health.

On the market today, in addition to pure water, electrolyzed water or alkaline ionized water is also a good choice to supplement natural minerals and micro-minerals for the body, rehydrating quickly, effectively and safely after time for exercise, work, and play. However, because the pH of electrolyzed water is higher than regular water, it is necessary to choose alkaline ion streams suitable for each person's age and physical condition.


  • Convenience: Easy to carry and use anytime, anywhere.
  • Safe: Ensures hygiene and does not contain harmful bacteria.
  • Uniform quality: Retains essential mineral and micronutrient content for the body.
  • Many choices: There are many different brands and capacities to meet the diverse needs of consumers.


  • High price: Compared to boiled and cooled water, bottled purified water is more expensive.
  • Causes environmental pollution: Plastic bottles used to bottle water can pollute the environment if not handled properly.
  • Potential risks: Some brands of bottled purified water do not ensure quality, which can affect consumers' health.

SAPUWA understands the concerns of consumers and wishes to both protect their health and protect a clean and beautiful green environment, and has created water bottles with a volume of 330ml and 500ml made from recycled plastic and has Can continue to recycle after drinking.

2. Is boiled and cooled water good for your health?

Is boiled and cooled water good for your health?

We can often hear that doctors often advise drinking boiled and cooled water to preserve the natural ingredients in the water. So is boiled and cooled water really good for our health? 

Boiling water at high temperatures can kill bacteria and viruses in the water, but it is impossible to remove all pesticides or heavy metals. And our biggest mistake is thinking that boiled water is completely clean and can be stored for many days later. In fact, bacteria are still capable of appearing 120 minutes after boiling and the number will increase after 24 hours. Therefore, if you want to drink boiled water, choose a water source, carefully observe issues surrounding the water source, to protect your health, use boiled water to cool during the day and avoid storing it for a long time. . 

Boiled and cooled water has a number of advantages such as:

  • Cost savings: This is the cheapest drinking water treatment method.
  • Easy to make: Just boil water and let it cool naturally to use.
  • Environmentally friendly: Do not use plastic bottles, limit waste.

However, boiled and cooled water also has some disadvantages such as:

  • Some minerals may be lost: When boiling, some minerals may evaporate with the steam.
  • Vulnerable to re-infection: If not stored properly, boiled and cooled water can become re-contaminated after a period of time.
  • Cannot remove impurities: Boiled and cooled water cannot remove impurities such as heavy metals, toxic chemicals,...

3. Should I drink bottled water or cooled boiled water?

Choosing between bottled purified water and cooled boiled water depends on many criteria such as:

Criteria Bottled purified water Boil water and let cool
Source Groundwater or surface water is treated through many stages such as filtration, disinfection, and sterilization. Tap water or well water is boiled at 100°C.
Ingredient Two ingredients: oxygen and hydrogen (removes impurities and bacteria up to 99%) Retains some naturally occurring minerals in the water (including impurities and bacteria)
Quality Ensures hygiene and safety, does not contain bacteria and impurities. Some minerals may be lost when boiled, and can be re-contaminated if not stored properly.
Convenient Easy to carry and use anytime, anywhere. Need to boil water before use, not as convenient as bottled water.
  • If you care about economics, boiling and cooling drinking water can save a lot of money compared to bottled purified water.
  • If you care about your health, bottled purified water will be safe and extremely convenient for consumers. But that doesn't mean boiled water is not safe, it will actually ensure health if used during the day and not stored for the following days.

Choosing whether to drink bottled water or cooled boiled water depends on each person's needs and conditions. Bottled purified water is convenient, safe and of consistent quality, but the price is high and causes environmental pollution if plastic bottles are not handled properly. Boiling and cooling water saves money but can lose minerals and re-contaminate bacteria and does not remove impurities. Choose the right type of water and drink enough water every day to keep your body healthy!

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