Drinking Stress Away: The Link between Water and Stress Reduction

Water is the elixir of life. –Atharva Veda


If you’re looking for a simple, healthy way to combat the stress in your life, start by drinking a glass of water.  Yes, it’s that easy! The link between water and stress reduction is well documented. All of our organs, including our heart and our brain, require water to function properly. Without enough water, we fall prey to dehydration which can cause stress vice-versa. It’s a vicious cycle that can be broken simply by drinking more water during the day.


“Studies have shown that being just half a liter dehydrated can increase your cortisol levels,” says Amanda Carlson, RD, director of performance nutrition at Athletes’ Performance, a trainer of world-class athletes.“Cortisol is one of those stress hormones. Staying in a good hydrated status can keep your stress levels down. When you don’t give your body the fluids it needs, you’re putting stress on it, and it’s going to respond to that.”


Don’t underestimate the crucial role played by water in your health. The importance of staying hydrated and providing water for the cleansing and detoxification of your system cannot be overstated. As noted in the Nutrition Chapter in Stress Pandemic: The Lifestyle Solution, water makes up anywhere from 57 to 78 percent of our body weight; It is important in sustaining and maintaining life on an internal and external cellular level.  More than anything else, water is the most important substance we consume to sustain our bodies. That said, be careful as not all forms of liquid beverages can be counted toward our suggested daily water intake. Sodas and caffeinated teas are two sneaky culprits that can actually contribute to your dehydration rather than hydrating you. They are also toxic at a basic level due to the presence of sugar, caffeine, and artificial ingredients.


At least 75 percent of people in the United States do not drink enough water.  On average, a person will lose two to three liters of water per day in standard conditions and more in hot or dry weather. It is recommended that we drink two to three liters (at least eight full glasses) of water each day.


Drink plenty of purified, room-temperature water (chilled water is less conducive to the body’s natural processes), preferably water that has been purified by reverse osmosis. However, avoid drinking water with your meals, as this dilutes the digestive enzymes and impairs  the  efficiency of your digestive system, making it more difficult for your body to assimilate nutrients. While it is crucial to stay well hydrated, do your best to limit your intake of fluids to several small sips at mealtimes. Avoid drinking any considerable amount of water for half an hour on either side of your main meals.


Benefits of drinking water


   * Helps to prevent and treat Depression: hydration helps the body naturally replenish its supply of the neurotransmitter serotonin


    * Helps to prevent and treat Sleep disorders: hydration is needed for the production of nature’s sleep regulator, melatonin


    * Helps to prevent and treat Lack of energy: water generates electrical and magnetic energy in every body’s cell, providing a natural power boost


   * Helps to prevent and treat Attention Deficit: a well hydrated brain is continually energized to imprint new information in its memory banks.


    * Helps to boost weigh loss: No one should underestimate the importance of water is in one’s daily life. Water is a huge element when following a well prepared and effective weight loss diet program.   Aside from a proper nutrition plan and exercise, water plays a vital role in dieting and losing weight.


Source: stresspandemic.com

Collected by Nhu-Vu SAPUWA



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