Benefits of electrolyzed water with myopia - the secret to protecting your eyes

Myopia is becoming a common health problem, especially among young people. Many people seek natural solutions to improve vision and prevent the condition from progressing. One of the solutions that is of interest is electrolyzed water. So, is electrolyzed water really effective in improving vision and preventing myopia? Let's find out the details in this article.

1. Causes of myopia

Myopia is a common condition, especially in young people. It occurs when the eyes cannot focus properly on distant objects, causing them to appear blurry. There are many causes of nearsightedness, including:

  • Genetic factors: Genetics plays an important role in the development of myopia. If your parents or family members are nearsighted, your chances of becoming nearsighted are also higher.

  • Living habits: Frequent close vision, such as reading books, using computers, or looking at phones for long periods of time, can increase the risk of myopia. Insufficient or too bright lighting can also cause eye strain, increasing nearsightedness.

  • Lack of exposure to natural light: Many studies show that lack of time outdoors and lack of exposure to natural light can increase the risk of developing myopia. Sunlight helps produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate eyeball development, reducing the risk of nearsightedness.

  • Diet: Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals necessary for the eyes such as vitamins A, C, E can also contribute to increasing the risk of myopia.

2. Beneficial effects of electrolyzed water on myopia

Electrolyzed water, also known as alkaline ionized water, is not only good for general health but also has a positive impact on eye health, especially in preventing and reducing nearsightedness.

Improves hydration

The eyes are a sensitive organ and need to be constantly moisturized. Electrolyzed water helps the body maintain better hydration than regular water, thanks to its smaller molecular structure, helping to penetrate cells quickly. When the eyes are maintained well-hydrated, they are less susceptible to dryness, stress, and fatigue, thereby reducing the risk of nearsightedness.

Provides antioxidants

Electrolyzed water contains many alkaline ions and powerful antioxidants, which help eliminate free radicals that harm the body and eyes. Free radicals are one of the causes of oxidative stress, which negatively affects eye cells and causes many vision problems, including nearsightedness.

Reduce inflammation

Eye infection can be one of the causes and aggravation of nearsightedness. Electrolyzed water with strong alkaline properties can help reduce inflammation, soothe inflammation symptoms and protect eyes from harmful agents.

And besides the benefits related to myopia, SAPUWA electrolyzed water also supports the treatment of other diseases such as osteoporosis, kidney failure, balancing acid and alkalinity in the body for better results.

3. Why are antioxidant foods and electrolyte water good for the eyes?

Antioxidant-rich foods like green vegetables, fruits, and nuts help protect your eyes from oxidative stress and free radicals. These antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E, and carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the retina and maintain eye health.

Electrolyzed water provides alkaline ions and powerful antioxidants, helping the body maintain pH balance and reduce acidification. When the body is less acidic, organs, including the eyes, function more efficiently, reducing the risk of damage and improving overall health.

Both antioxidant foods and electrolyte drinks help strengthen the immune system, protecting the body from diseases and eye-related problems. A healthy immune system will help the eyes resist harmful environmental agents, reducing the risk of inflammation and vision problems.

4. How to improve and prevent myopia

In addition to drinking electrolyte water, you can apply the following measures to improve and prevent myopia:

  • Limit time spent using electronic devices: Using electronic devices for too long is one of the main causes of nearsightedness. Be sure to follow the 20-20-20 rule: for every 20 minutes of looking at a screen, take a 20-second break and look about 20 feet (6 meters) away.

  • Increase outdoor exercise: Exposure to natural light helps eyes regulate and develop normally, reducing the risk of myopia. Spend at least 1-2 hours a day outside, especially for children.

  • Regular vision checks: Regular vision checks help detect eye problems early and make timely correction. Consult your eye doctor at least once a year.

  • Use appropriate glasses: If you are already nearsighted, wearing the correct glasses is important to protect your eyes and prevent further myopia. The wrong eyeglasses can increase eye strain and worsen nearsightedness.

Electrolyzed water and antioxidant foods play an important role in improving and preventing myopia. By maintaining a proper water intake, eating foods rich in antioxidants, and taking eye protection measures, you can maintain good eye health and reduce your risk of developing nearsightedness. .

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