Reveal your questions ladies Is it good to drink alkaline ionized water?

Pregnancy is a special period for a woman, not only affecting her health but also affecting her physical beauty. Alkaline ionized water, with its outstanding advantages, is considered a potential solution to support the health of both mother and baby. However, the use of alkaline ionized water for pregnant women is still controversial. So, is it good for pregnant women to drink alkaline ionized water? Let's find out detailed information with SAPUWA in this article.

1. Is it good for pregnant women to drink alkaline ionized water?

Is it good for pregnant women to drink alkaline ionized water?

According to experts, alkaline ionized water is not only good for normal people but also safe during pregnancy. So is drinking alkaline ionized water good for pregnant women, definitely HAVE, good for both mother and baby. We all know that water greatly affects our health and living activities, and almost everyone tries to maintain water and salt intake during the day. Especially for pregnant mothers, the amount of water is more specific than normal people during pregnancy. Because during the journey of having a baby, the mother's body is often inclined towards acidity, so adding alkaline ionized drinking water will help neutralize and balance the pH, support health and reduce some difficult symptoms. suffer during pregnancy. 

A pregnant woman's physical condition is always changing and her health is unstable, so the choice of food and water is extremely important, because even a small mistake will seriously affect the mother's health. and baby.

2. The benefits of alkaline ionized water for pregnant women's health

Alkaline ionized water is being chosen by more and more people, especially pregnant women, because of its great health benefits. Below are details about the benefits of alkaline ionized water for pregnant women:

Balances pH in the body

Balances pH in the body

Due to the metabolic process during pregnancy, minerals in the mother's body are transferred to the fetus, nourishing the growing child. Pregnant mothers not only have to accumulate an amount of acid through the placenta but also the baby. Therefore, drinking alkaline ionized water will help the mother eliminate harmful wastes and maintain a balanced pH, creating a healthy environment.

Supports the treatment of constipation

Is it good for pregnant women to drink alkaline ionized water? The problem of constipation is always a common focus in pregnant women due to hormonal changes in the body, especially when the amount of progesterone hormone increases. During pregnancy, progesterone helps uterine muscles relax, supporting the fetus to develop better. Besides, progesterone also reduces intestinal motility, causing constipation. In addition, the pressure of the uterus on the rectum at the end of pregnancy and too much iron supplementation are also causes of constipation.

Alkaline ionized water with microscopic and alkaline water molecules can help treat constipation in pregnant women:

  • Enhance intestinal motility: Alkaline ionized water helps stimulate intestinal motility, enhance intestinal muscle movement, thereby helping to push stool out more easily.
  • Soften stools: Alkaline ionized water helps soften stools, making them easier to move through the intestines and push out.
  • Supports the digestive system: Alkaline ionized water helps neutralize stomach acid, improve the digestive system, support food digestion and nutrient absorption.

Cures heartburn and indigestion

Cures heartburn and indigestion

Heartburn and indigestion are common symptoms in pregnant women due to stomach acid refluxing into the esophagus. Stomach acid can cause a burning sensation and discomfort, affecting the quality of life of pregnant women. Alkaline ionized water has a higher pH than normal water (about 8.5 - 9.5), helping to reduce acidity in the stomach, thereby reducing the burning sensation and discomfort caused by heartburn.

Reduce swelling in limbs

Swelling in the limbs is a common problem in pregnant women due to fluid accumulation and hormonal changes. Alkaline ionized water can help reduce swelling thanks to the following properties:

  • Enhance blood circulation: Alkaline ionized water helps improve blood circulation, reduce water accumulation in the limbs, thereby helping to reduce swelling in the limbs.
  • Reduces blood pressure: Alkaline ionized water helps regulate blood pressure, reduces the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy, thereby helping to reduce swelling caused by high blood pressure.
  • Supports the cardiovascular system: Alkaline ionized water helps improve cardiovascular function, supports the cardiovascular system to operate more effectively, reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications during pregnancy.

Reduce lower back pain

As the pregnancy grows larger, the lower back will become painful due to the increased weight and pressure of the uterus on the spine. The spaces between the discs and vertebrae are no longer lubricated, leading to friction and inflammation, causing pain. Alkaline ionized water with natural alkaline properties helps lubricate disc spaces, minimize pain and improve treatment.

Soothe morning sickness

Soothe morning sickness

Although the exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, some theorize that hormonal changes, stress, or diet may all influence the condition.

However, another theory is that morning sickness may be related to a deficiency of alkaline minerals in the body. During pregnancy, the need for alkaline minerals increases to support fetal development. If not provided adequately, the body will take alkaline minerals from bones and muscles, leading to an imbalance in the body's pH. This sudden change can cause morning sickness symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and fatigue...

Adding alkaline ionized water with a pH of about 8.5 - 9.5 can help compensate for the amount of alkaline minerals needed by the body, support pH balance and reduce morning sickness symptoms.

Provides moisture to the skin

During pregnancy, abdominal skin can become dry, allergic, and even crack due to the development of the fetus. Facial skin is also susceptible to acne and rashes because the sebaceous glands are more active, creating more conditions for bacteria to grow.
Alkaline ionized water with high pH can help provide enough water for the body, limit dry skin, and increase the health of pregnant women's skin.

Minimize the risk of preeclampsia

Pregnancy is a special period for a woman, bringing happiness but also potential health risks. In particular, preeclampsia is a dangerous complication that affects both mother and baby. Preeclampsia is high blood pressure and proteinuria after the 20th week of pregnancy. This condition puts women at risk of kidney and liver failure, difficulty blood clotting, and the risk of premature babies being born. With its superior properties, alkaline ionized water is considered a potential method to support the treatment of conditions causing preeclampsia. Take it before and after pregnancy to prepare and equip your body for the long journey of motherhood.

3. Reputable, quality alkaline ionized water distribution location

Reputable, quality alkaline ionized water distribution location

Alkaline ionized water is increasingly popular because of its great health benefits. Understanding consumer needs, SAPUWA - a reputable drinking water brand with more than 31 years of experience in Vietnam - has officially launched the SAPUWA+ alkaline ionized water product line with a capacity of 18.9L.

SAPUWA+ is not only a new product but also a milestone for SAPUWA's journey of constant change and innovation. The product brings outstanding brand values, meeting the need for safe, quality water for the whole family.

With SAPUWA+, you can easily find and buy at distribution locations, providing reputable, quality alkaline ionized water. Join SAPUWA to improve your family's health with SAPUWA+ alkaline ionized water!

Thus, the above article has answered the question of whether it is good for pregnant women to drink alkaline ionized water. Alkaline ionized water can bring many potential benefits to pregnant women's health, supporting pregnancy and child development. fetus. However, the use of alkaline ionized water needs to be done appropriately, combined with a balanced diet, gentle exercise and following the doctor's instructions to ensure the health of both mother and baby. and baby


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